Thursday, January 31, 2013

Don't Pout, Get Ya Nips Out

I don't like it when folks lose their homes and personal belongings in natural disasters.
I don't like it when it's impossible for a clean-up to begin in ernest, flood waters linger, looters get greedy and spirits crumble.
It's scary to shuffle your children into safe rooms away from the threat of glass shattering by roofing iron and flying boughs.
It must be even scarier for the people of major regional towns to be rescued en masse from their roofs.

Spare a thought and maybe a penny for the thousands of homeless Queenslanders who've lost everything in the tornadoes, cyclonic winds and floods so many of us have experienced this week.
It's been such a sad time for so many.
And a rather frightening experience personally, what with living on top of a steep hill, spending nights listening to flying objects pass by and waiting, just waiting for our seven-metre wall of glass to shatter.
We're fine, but many aren't thanks to the mass fear and devastation delivered by Cyclone Oswald.

My attempt to try and raise some smiles today.
It worked.
I guess getting one's nips out will do that.
Headband - Sassy Vamps!
Red Nose Day VW t-shirt - gifted by darling Tra-la-la
1950s crinoline - Garterbelts and Gasoline Festival
Bangles, earrings, white crochet granny bag, purple beads - thrifted, gifted and bought from Vintage Wishes
Shoes - Jeffrey Campbell sale
Green handbag - Dandelion Vintage sale

We lost a tree and gained a few more grey hairs, but we're safe.
You can read more and donate to the Red Cross Flood Appeal here.
Desiree xo

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tip-Top Tit-tastic

Does anyone really want to look at a blog post that starts off with shaky phone pics?
Nah didn't think so.
But yesterday I got tarted up especially for the radiology ladies.
And like every medical practitioner I've ever encountered, a bit o' sparkle, some slap and the ol' jingle makes their day.
I consider it my civil duty to keep those guys and gals smiling.
It's not their fault our state government decided to re-route funding for a $16M redevelopment of our local mental health unit in favour of a $9M city helipad.

So I don't complain when I get my BreastScreen letter every two years asking me to get me tatas out for a squish.

I wore my corset t-shirt to remind me why I was there.
Magnificent no?

Sure no worries but first I'm gonna take some blurry selfies. K?

Layered half-slips and a gorgeous vinyl bag I snapped up in a Dandelion Vintage sale.
The seller, lovely Carol, also gifted me the glorious, huge red rose I'm wearing.

Yes well, the hair ... that's post-running-through-a-windy-downpour-with-added-humidity.
I don't think anyone in the waiting room noticed though, they were probably wondering why I was dressed in old half-slips and wearing so much jewellery.
Oh and a sequinned cocktail hat.

Since I was on me tod (alone), I took full advantage of the situation and snuck in some desperately-needed op-shopping to satisfy my  week-long buy-awesome-old-shite cravings.

I discovered enormous lengths of 1970s cottons for just five bucks each!

Bargain books are always welcome in our home.
And cute old teapots?
Well I can find room can't I?

These goodies are for a very special blogger who is unwell, but I'll let the sweetie fill you in when she's good and ready.

Still can't get over this ... just two dollars!
It was worth the trip in the rain.
We've had it all here in Oz this summer ... catastrophic fire storms, now torrential rain and flooding.

Cotton vintage sheets always find a home with me too.
Have you seen Loo's amazing king-size patchwork duvet cover she made from gorgeous vintage sheets?
She will inspire you to get patching and convince you the results are constant marvelling and gazing at your handiwork forever.

"Oooh das pwetty," said Lily.

Oh okaaaaaaaaaaaay ... gratuitous giant ring pic for you:).
I hope you're all set for the weekend, may fresh snowfalls powder your lawn, may cooling rains bring relief to a hot summer, may your homes be safe.
Oh and if you're on Instagram, please let me know your IG name in the comments so I can stalk you.
Mine's @desireedares.
Desiree xoxo

Friday, January 25, 2013

I Gave Flea's Neck a Polish

Well the Big Sweaty Day Out seems so long ago, which means I must be relaxed after all the burpday action.
I'd almost forgotten the meaning of the word ... something about peace of mind, losing track of time, enjoying the moment?
Peace at last.

Well here's me, enjoying the moment on my 45th birthday with a cuppa and way too much rouge.

Last Sunday, it was just #1 Son and I who made it to see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
Oh come on, who was anybody kidding, we were all at the BDO to see either Flea or the Bloody Beetroots - the other acts were free entertainment.
Free funnage!

The day started with a mighty huge sleep-in, poached eggs on toast and coffee, then some last-minute festival tweaking.

The sweat-factor switched from hot-clammy to cold-rivers-of-water-flooding-from-our-pores as soon as we hit the Boiler Room, where we spent a solid four to five hours dancing.

If RHCP weren't on next, I would have been happy to hang out at the Lily Pad dancing to Paul Mac all evening.
According to two lovely wee dancing chickies, I'm "fucking legit"!!!
Actually it was quite amusing to see the looks on people's faces at the sight of #1 Son and I together that day.
We could see them putting two-and-two together and making five, resulting in much giggling and confusion.
I imagine them thinking: "What's that old lady doing with that dude?  Hmmmm ... they kinda look the same".
So I wonder how many 23-year-old men took their mums to the Big Day Out then?

Oh but look, there's a crowd gathering fast to experience what we came for ... 

Still getting goosebumps from the best live rock gig I have ever been to.
Oh the glorious funkification!

Two days later and I woke up to a free parcel from Black Milk Clothing, the contents of which acted briefly as my birthday suit.
Briefly because it was about 34 degrees.

I rename this catsuit The Birthday Suit.
The rest of the day was spent with #1 Son, #3 Son and The Stylist, enjoying coffee, sushi then Life of Pi.
The Phoenix had some dramatic changes made to his meds last week, which will take a while for him to get used to so sadly he couldn't make it.

Intolerable cuteness.

This guy knows how to celebrate a birthday.

Caramel frappe and evidence of a chocolate melting moment.

Through the fug of withdrawal, nausea and confusion The Phoenix bravely managed to create a card for me:).

And where was #2 Son?
By the look of it he'd gone to the beach and grown a pair.

The lad spent nearly four weeks visiting my enormous family in northern New Zealand, which I shall rename Cuzzie Land.
It was quite an experience for him to be confronted by various packs of smiling, happy faces that looked familiar and just wanted to have loads of fun with him.
There are no cousins on the father's side of the family so it must have been quite an experience to look into the eyes of so many aunties, cousins and their children that were so closely related to him.

Thank you all for your happy birthday wishes, you make me feel oh so very, very special.
Baci milioni,
Desiree xoxo
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